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Americans are walking away from their jobs in numbers as remote work has uncoupled jobs from geography, and droves of employees are re-evaluating the relationships they have with their employers.


To keep workers and on the job, more companies are turning to “stay interviews,” one-on-one meetings with top performers to give those key people the chance to talk about what works, and what doesn’t work, about their jobs.


"This has become an popular ... to try and help retain employees as much as possible,” said Robyn Hopper, a human resources knowledge adviser for the Society for Human Resource Management. Managers who conduct stay interviews are coached to ask workers open-ended questions about what they like most about their jobs, what they dislike and under what events or circumstances they might leave.


Scott Bonneau, the vice of at Indeed.com, said: “Employers, particularly in certain sectors, are seeing people leave at a faster rate. I think stay interviews can be quite effective. ... It promotes and fosters trust and open communication.”


Sometimes workers switch jobs in pursuit of higher salaries, but recruiters say a factor is the higher expectations of job candidates today when it comes to feeling seen and supported by their bosses. “People don’t leave companies. People leave managers,” said Dave Carvajal, the CEO of Dave Partners, a tech recruiting firm.

有时候员工跳槽是为了追求更高的薪酬,但是招聘人员指出了另一个重要因素,那就是现在求职者对于得到老板重视和支持的期待更高了。技术行业招聘公司Dave Partners的**执行官戴夫·卡瓦哈尔说:“人们离开的不是公司,而是主管。”

Other departures are spurred by chances to have more flexible hours, remote work or professional development opportunities.


While experts say stay interviews can be a tool to retain top employees, there is one big caveat: Bosses have to follow on the feedback they solicit.


"At the end of the day, you can the best things in the world, but if you can’t execute and deliver, people will tend to look elsewhere,” said Thomas Wu, who took a job as the of finance at an NFT startup.


Carvajal said businesses, which to with huge companies in salaries and benefits, have more at stake and tend to use processes like stay interviews more frequently.


Bonneau added, however, workers who want to stay with their current employers should be honest about their perspectives if they are asked to in stay interviews.


"If there are things you’ve wanted to get off your chest or things you really like to see changed ... if your employer is going to the trouble of doing this in good faith, this is your to say those things,” he said.





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